
The users in our community will be known as Zen people, loyal users can automatically gather this badge while the newer users have to contribute to the community to earn that badge. Trading is an age-old tradition but in this age of online trading, the sense of competition is very different. By providing the opportunity to earn different badges, we offer our users to compete among them while contributing to the community.

We plan to allow users with various badges different perks within the community and app store for a limited time. Badges can be lost from inactivity within the platform or excessive negative reports on user profiles, resulting in the continuous involvement of everyone at all times. The founding team will also be part of these forum conversations actively and they too can gain different badges. The innate difference of the platform creator and the user will be kept at a minimum through moderation by community-selected moderators.

We all at Zenfuse believe that in unity we will find our strength and with our ZenPeople, we will make this the most user-friendly, community-concerned cryptocurrency trading platform.

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